Yet another Planning Application has been submitted to Bayside Council for ANOTHER THREE TOWER Development on Bay Road! 212-216 Bay Road Sandringham.
Planning Application for 3 Tower, 5 to 6 storey development
plus underground carpark at 212-216 Bay Road
plus underground carpark at 212-216 Bay Road
Ground Floor Plan of at least a FOUR Level, THREE Tower Development
Does ANYONE perform any PROPER analysis on the 'cumulative' implications resulting from MULTIPLE High-Density developments in a 'neighbourhood area'?
Apart from other issues, the CUMULATIVE pressures on traffic and public transport have been totally ignored!
It seems like it's "High Density Development at ANY cost!" ...and the 'cost' will be felt by the local community, especially in the form of ever-increasing traffic and public transport nightmares!
Developers will have made their millions and moved on... leaving their 'nightmare legacy', which will be IRREVERSIBLE!
Our levels of population growth are unmanageable and unrealistic. This is not "planning" but caving into greed and sacrificing long term vision for short term hip-pocket rewards. Melbourne is under siege for all this prolific growth. Our population growth is not inevitable, but driven mainly by very high immigration levels. With a net immigration rate of 70,000 people a year, we could keep our population size under 30 million by 2050. However, with "big Australia" the preferred model, we ill have up to 50 million. Where are all these people to live? Melbourne is destined to be ruined by becoming an ocean of concrete towers! It's misanthropic, and unsustainable as we have the converging problems of climate change, peak oil, and loss of soils and arable land. It's fatalistic and not "planning" but about being consumed by market forces - to our ultimate doom.