Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Elderly evictions in Sandringham and Beaumaris

By Jon Andrews - Bayside Leader

AN AMPUTEE nun is one of 16 shocked elderly council housing residents being evicted in a cost-cutting move.

By June 2013 Bayside Council will close down 18 independent living units in Sandringham and Beaumaris.

The council said it could not afford “the major investment required” to maintain the units.

But one of the residents, Sister Patrice Timoney, said she believed the eviction was a cash grab for valuable land, and there was nothing wrong with their homes.

She has lived at the Sandringham Rd complex for 18 months, but other neighbours, who were too distraught to speak publicly, have been there for decades.

The residents are all elderly, disabled or both.

“This is a stressful, awful thing to do to us and I am angry and upset,” Sister Timoney said.

“It is pure greed to just sell us out - we have everything we could want here and it is beyond belief they would kick us out of our homes to make money.”

Holding Fort at Bay Road

Locals oppose Bay Rd apartments

By Jon Andrews - Bayside Leader 

Sandringham residents are unhappy about a three-storey, 10-apartment block. 

SANDRINGHAM residents have railed against a triple-storey planning application that will be fought at VCAT.
A development proposal to build 10 apartments on a 700sq m Bay Rd and Gladstone St corner block has outraged locals.
The application is going to the state’s top planning tribunal because Bayside Council did not make a decision in time. 
Neighbour Robert Taylor said objectors’ group Residents Against Inappropriate Development would attend the VCAT hearing.
He said 59 objectors thought the proposal was too big, would ruin the streetscape, dominate a relatively quiet sidestreet and cause traffic chaos.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

The Changing Face of our Village

Car-parks are now being 'targeted' for development around suburban Melbourne, especially in 'Activity Centres' and Public Transport routes.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Pack 'em in on Bay Road !

Yet another Planning Application has been submitted to Bayside Council for ANOTHER THREE TOWER Development on Bay Road!  ...at 212-216 Bay Road Sandringham.

Planning Application for 3 Tower, 5 to 6 storey development 
plus underground carpark at 212-216 Bay Road

Ground Floor Plan of at least a FOUR Level, THREE Tower Development

Does ANYONE perform any PROPER analysis on the 'cumulative' implications resulting from MULTIPLE High-Density developments in a 'neighbourhood area'?
Apart from other issues, the CUMULATIVE pressures on traffic and public transport have been totally ignored!

It seems like it's "High Density Development at ANY cost!" ...and the 'cost' will be felt by the local community, especially in the form of ever-increasing traffic and public transport nightmares!
Developers will have made their millions and moved on... leaving their 'nightmare legacy', which will be IRREVERSIBLE!

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

BlockLands on Bay Road

NO-ONE seems to perform any PROPER analysis of the 'cumulative' implications resulting from multiple High-Density developments located within 'a stones throw' of each-other?  It seems that no-one has learned from the ill-conceived nightmare that is Docklands!
There are now definite signs that Bay Road (and it's surrounds) is being transformed into a 'mini-Docklands'... without the water!
Maybe an appropriate name for it could be 'BlockLands on Bay Road'!?

And, with all due respect to the city of Bombay, maybe 'Bay Road' should be re-named 'Bombay Road'!?

Apart from other significant issues, the CUMULATIVE pressures of multiple High-Density developments on traffic and public transport have been totally ignored at the planning level!

Irreversible, ill-conceived 'social planning experiments' like this should be STOPPED, and completely re-thought!  A balanced approach to planning is sadly lacking!

Monday, 1 August 2011

Another Nightmare on Bay Road

This 4089 square metre property was advertised for sale using the quote: 
"Its one acre of land zoned for hiugh density apartments on a main road, close to shops and you can get four (4) levels without having to go to VCAT."

Note: The misspelling of "hiugh" in the advertisement has been left intentionally... it seems like a appropriate Freudian-slip ie a compilation of high & huge!!!

This shows a Plan-View of ONE Storey of a FOUR Storey Development at 218 Bay Road, Sandringham. It shows about 40 'apartments' on the ONE storey, each averaging about 42 sq. metres internally. There are another TWO similarly configured stories... plus the ground floor.
The development 'boasts' about 115 apartments, 1 shop and room for about 128 cars, mostly to be 'stored/parked' in car-stackers!

  • 'Advertising' of the Planning Application has been  completed.
  • ONLY THREE objections were apparently received by Council ! This is VERY surprising, considering over 1000 objections were received against the development at 220-228 Bay Road! This apparent lack of 'objectors' seems to indicate that either (or both), 'advertising' was comprehensively inadequate, or many people of the community are 'exhausted' from dealing with the 'bully tactics' regarding 'enforced planning' at a State Government level!
  • The Planning Application was 'refused' by Bayside Council and a VCAT hearing has apparently been set for October 2011.  But, alas, past experience of VCAT hearings does not bode well for the local community.

Amongst other things, including loss of amenity for the local community, the implications for traffic movement in Bay Road & 'surrounds' are almost UNIMAGINABLE, considering the 'cumulative effect' of traffic from other nearby high-density developments!

It is hoped that the future residents enjoy the VERY close 'social interaction' this 'dormitory style' development will provide. Current media reports on 'high-density-living' suggest they will have MAJOR problems.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

New 'Mini-Suburb' Planned for Bayside?

Is this a 'joke'?
It would be, if it were NOT an emerging and outrageous reality!

Planning in Melbourne is resulting in an increasing number of frighteningly high-density areas throughout our suburbs.  Suburbs that had previously evolved 'organically' over time into suburbs of character!
Now, an irreversible 'densification experiment' is destroying the character and amenity of those same suburbs.

One area in Bayside being transformed by this 'densification experiment' is circled in the image above.

This 'new mini-suburb' could be jokingly named 'Highdensityham' (Highett+Density+Sandringham)... but it is NO JOKE to those residents who have made it their neighbourhood community.

Consideration of the outrageous implications of such 'suburban densification' has either, not been given or has been totally ignored by so-called 'planners'.

Such unbalanced and ill-conceived planning needs to STOP!

ALSO... the Government policy of promoting the sale of residential properties to Non-Resident (overseas) buyers should STOP.  It increases home prices AND reduces home availability for Australian residents!

Monday, 18 July 2011

A VCAT Win? Yes... BUT NO!!!

Proposed Development Site: 29-33 Beaumaris Pde & 34 Tibrockney St, Highett

The local community won an earlier VCAT battle to stop a 26 apartment development on this site in Highett!
"Hooray!!!" cheers the local community.

BUT NOW... a new development application, by the same developer, for the same site  has 'ballooned' the apartment number to 40 !!!

Plans for a proposed 40 Apartment Development at
29-33 Beaumaris Pde & 34 Tibrockney St, Highett

A VCAT 'win' for the community = the developer proceeds to 'teach the community a lesson'!?

September 2011 Update: VCAT has AGAIN refused permission for a Permit to proceed with this 're-designed' development! We will now 'hold our breath' to see how the developer (Gillon) proceeds!?

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

The Push for Consistency

Bayside Leader-Page 10   7 Jun 2011

In the latest in our series on population boom and development in Bayside, Marnie Reid speaks to the Planning Minister

DEVELOPMENT is becoming a dirty word in some parts of Bayside. Between July 1, 2010, and May 17, 2011, developers had appealed to the state planning tribunal 64 proposed developments that were for various reasons denied by Bayside Council.

Andrew Esplan wants a more thorough planning procedure.

Saturday, 30 April 2011

Hampton high rising furore

33 Crisp Street Development -VCAT Hearing 17 August 2011 (10am)
By Jon Andrews 26 Apr 2011

DEVELOPERS are paving the way for a Bayside population boom, with plans for another multi-unit development dominating the April 19 council meeting.
Nearly 100 people complained about the massive 28-unit proposal just 350m from the busy Hampton St shopping strip.
They say the three-storey Crisp St application is yet another overdevelopment trying to cash in on the area’s wealth, while causing nothing but detriment to locals.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Sandringham development outrage

220-228 Bay Rd, Sandringham/Highett
By Marnie Reid  4 Jan 2011

THE Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal has approved Bayside’s biggest ever development.

The decision to allow an eight-storey, multiple tower complex on Bay Rd, Sandringham, has outraged Bayside Council, residents and Sandringham state MP Murray Thompson. There were more than 1100 objections to the proposal for 453 apartments, 873 car parks, shops and a medical centre.

One of the towers, 29m at its highest, will be by far Bayside’s tallest building.