Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Elderly evictions in Sandringham and Beaumaris

By Jon Andrews - Bayside Leader

AN AMPUTEE nun is one of 16 shocked elderly council housing residents being evicted in a cost-cutting move.

By June 2013 Bayside Council will close down 18 independent living units in Sandringham and Beaumaris.

The council said it could not afford “the major investment required” to maintain the units.

But one of the residents, Sister Patrice Timoney, said she believed the eviction was a cash grab for valuable land, and there was nothing wrong with their homes.

She has lived at the Sandringham Rd complex for 18 months, but other neighbours, who were too distraught to speak publicly, have been there for decades.

The residents are all elderly, disabled or both.

“This is a stressful, awful thing to do to us and I am angry and upset,” Sister Timoney said.

“It is pure greed to just sell us out - we have everything we could want here and it is beyond belief they would kick us out of our homes to make money.”

Holding Fort at Bay Road

Locals oppose Bay Rd apartments

By Jon Andrews - Bayside Leader 

Sandringham residents are unhappy about a three-storey, 10-apartment block. 

SANDRINGHAM residents have railed against a triple-storey planning application that will be fought at VCAT.
A development proposal to build 10 apartments on a 700sq m Bay Rd and Gladstone St corner block has outraged locals.
The application is going to the state’s top planning tribunal because Bayside Council did not make a decision in time. 
Neighbour Robert Taylor said objectors’ group Residents Against Inappropriate Development would attend the VCAT hearing.
He said 59 objectors thought the proposal was too big, would ruin the streetscape, dominate a relatively quiet sidestreet and cause traffic chaos.